As a new year began by the Chinese calendar few weeks ago, five trainees up on the mountain in China were ready to return to North Korea in few weeks. It was cold and chilly when these people came out to stretch their body. One said as he faced to North Korea, “I know I will suffer when I return home, but now I can go since I have salvation through Jesus Christ. He gave His life to me. So I can give mine to Him if He wants.” He was at the training center for only six months to learn the Bible. He had to return home before the ice on the Yalu river melted. He was determined to bring good news to his people in North Korea. He thought to himself that only God could have him make this commitment.
A year ago, I received a report from one of the trainees that four people had been gathered and worshipped in his home town in North Korea after returning from our training center. This year he sent me a photo along with a video tape that contained a recording of their worship service in North Korea. Yes, he risked his life to bring this video to me. I was so moved by this video so I want to share with you a portion of it. I saw a picture where there were seven people in front of this pastor. (Please find enclosed. I had to blur it to protect their face). Unlike poor people of North Korea, these believers in front of this pastor dressed up well as they honored the Lord’s Day. Although they dressed up, they appeared to be cold because there was no heater in the room. Yet, I saw their bright and shining faces reflecting the warmth of love of Christ. As I continually observed the face of each believer, I could not breathe for a moment and tears flowed down my face. I had to shout, “They are alive!” These underground believers were worshipping with a joyful heart under the harsh conditions.
Although I was not with them physically, but I was with them spiritually and emotionally as I saw the video of their service. In the video, one lady began to pray: “Lord Jesus, you died on the cross to show your love for me. You were nailed with a crown of thorns placed on your head, shedding blood throughout your body, and you went to Calvary for me. I will be mindful of your love and I will bear the cross until my life is over on this earth and be with you…” After she said these words, she could no longer finish her prayer. I heard her sobbing and saw that her tears flowed like a river. She could not breathe a bit. I noticed others joining her with crying too. I saw other lady who sat next to this sobbing one wiping out her tears with a worn-out handkerchief. After she polished her glasses with a worn-out cloth, she continued her prayer, “Father in Heaven…there are many souls who are dying in the deserted land. Please shine your light and let your kingdom come immediately so that people can turn back to you like a flower blossoms.” The sound of crying got louder and the prayer got louder. Then, they must have realized that they had to restrain their voices. After they quieted down, the prayer continued. “Today this Sunday, we are praying in a closet and praying quietly with flowing tears, calling you our Father. Please listen to our prayer and let the day come soon where we can hold the hands of our children to go to church freely.” Sobbing did not end, yet the prayer continued. “Father God, help us to live a life of obedience. Help us to live our life according to your will. Help us to be prepared for the life of eternity. Lord…Help us to live with the power that Holy Spirit has given us to fight against the enemy who is trying to stop our worship even in underground. We need your protection!”
As I was watching the video and the photo, I was able to share their toil and snare in worshipping and following Jesus Christ as their Lord in North Korea, the most oppressive nation on the earth. If this was a prayer from America or South Korea, I would not cry that much. Their level of prayer was not an immature Christian’s prayer, but a very devoted, matured and strong believer’s prayer. These people knew exactly what Gospel was and why Jesus died on the Cross. They desired to be obedient and live faithfully even under such severe conditions. If they got caught, they would go to a political prison camp at least fifteen years without any trial. The letter was written in a paper made in North Korea (very poor quality) and I noticed that he had to press down hard with his pen to show blue ink. I felt the confession of his faith in Christ embedded in his writing.
I would like to kindly ask for your prayer for this underground church pastor. Also would you put seven believers of North Korea in your heart and prayer until we meet them either in North Korea or heaven? You may ask me why only seven. Actually, if I ask you to pray for three hundred thousand underground believers, you may say that there are too many to put on your heart.