The report about the speculation about Kim Jong-un’s health.

The leader of North Korea, Kim, Jong-un did not attend the Festival for Kim Il-Sung’s birthday, April 15. This festival is the most important celebration for people of North Korea as Kim, Il-Sung is considered a god. Then, a rumor began that Kim, Jong-un had a cardiovascular surgery, has not recovered from surgery, he is in coma. Therefore, he is not able to appear to public. As of today, no one from outside of North Korea knows the exact state of Kim. We will gather reported news and provide an analysis for prayer partners to discern how to pray in the midst of this chaotic situation.
1. The beginning of uncommon signs and the progress to date.
· Kim Jong-un received cardiovascular treatment at the Hyangsan Medical Center, a Kim family-only hospital in the special district of Mt. Myohyang on April 12, and is currently recovering. (April 20, 2020, First reported by Daily NK)
· Kim Jong-un has recently received a surgery and is in critical condition. Quotes from US administration officials. (April 21, 2020, CNN)
· Kim Jong-un had cardiac surgery and is now recovering. (April 20, 2020, Fox News)
· Kim Jong-un decided at the Party's Central Committee meeting in late December of last year that Kim Yo-jung would act on his behalf in the event of his absence. In January 2020, French doctors visited North Korea for treatment for Kim Jong-un.
(April 22, 2020, Yomiuri Newspaper)
· Kim Jong-un is in Wonsan and evidence of surgery is available. He was walking, and his private train waiting in Wonsan was also confirmed.
(April 23, 2020 Dong-A Daily News, Quotes from the US Officials)
- Recently, B1B Lancer (supersonic strategic bomber) flew in from the United States, passing over Japan, and scouring deep into the 800-900 km off Wonsan in the East Coast.
· Kim Jong-un is self-contained in Wonsan to avoid infection with Covid19.
(April 23, 2020, Tokyo Newspaper / Sankei Newspaper, Quoting an anonymous North Korean source)
· China has sent a delegation to North Korea that includes senior officials and medical experts. (April 25, Reuters)
2. Official announcement by authorities of United States, South Korea, and North Korean.
· United States: President Trump expressed his position as ‘CNN False Report’
- Trump said CNN reports that North Korea Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is in “grave danger” were 'incorrect' and may have used old documents to do their report.
(April 23, 2020, NBC News)
· South Korea: Blue house announced there was no unusual sign.
- Kim Jong-un has no health problems and is working normally in Wonsan, accompanied by Kim Yo-jung and Jo Yeon-jun. (April 21, 2020, Blue House)
· North Korea: Kim Jong-un is currently executing internal and external affairs. It was first announced on April 20 after silence continued from April 12.
(April 20, North Korea State Media)
3. Situation analysis and inferences
· After confirming the situation for more than 10 days, the US authorities announced that Kim Jong-un is likely to remain in Wonsan.
· US officials say they have evidence that Kim Jong-un had been operated and also captured his walking. This is highly reliable considering the US's air reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities.
· Summarizing all the situations, it seems that Kim Jong-un is currently staying in Wonsan after undergoing stent implantation surgery by a North Korean or overseas medical staff in Wonsan on April 12th.
- It is the first time in North Korea's history that Kim Jong-un did not visit Kim Il Sung at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun on the April 15, the day of the sun, and it seems clear that Kim Jong-un has problems such as surgery because it is difficult to understand due to the nature of the North Korean regime.
- North Korea has yet to release photos or videos suggesting that he remains in good health.
- Cardiologist comments: If the stent inserted through the leg, people can walk after 6 hours, and when it inserted through the wrist, people can walk immediately after surgery.
- North Korean defector Doctor’s comments: The Wonsan Special villa is equipped with medical facilities and equipment necessary for Stent insertion surgery.
· Two other possibilities.
- Kim Jong-un has not undergone any surgery, and he is managing the state normally in Wonsan with his closest aides
Þ It is clear that Kim Jong-un has a health problem, but he is 36 years old and is not yet old enough to suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Þ In 1988, there were rumors of Kim Il Sung's death, and all kinds of speculations were flying around, but it was a incorrect information from the Chosun Daily News.
- It is possible that Kim Jong-un is staying in Wonsan, avoiding the Pyongyang escort Guard infected by Covid19
· If Kim Jong-un turns out to have recovered after a minor surgery, or if this is done with simple happening, North Korea may soon launch an ICBM or SLBM test.
- With the attention of the world, it is possible to make military provocations with support from Russia and China by the excitement of being a winner in intelligence and psychological warfare.
Þ Maximize the effect of provocation after disappearing
Þ Driving Trump ahead of the presidential election and using it as a leverage for negotiations with the United States.
4. Our prayer:
· Let God of peace will control the situation and His will be done on North Korea rather being dictates by a human, Kim, Jong-Un.
· As the result of this incident, may God move Kim, Jong-un out of this post and replace with a person who fears God and allows God to bring peace and freedom in the land of North Korea.
· Let the people of God to see what God is about to doing on the land of North Korea and bring peaceful unification for His glory instead of being influenced by fake news.
· KRIN, an army of the Lord be ready to deploy when the nation opens for people of God come in and proclaim His victory.