“These days, it snows frequently in the Chongjin region and the nighttime temperature reaches negative 10 to 18 degrees. Most of the households shiver in the cold due to scarce firewood barely enough to be used for cooking. During the winter, at least three carts of coal (one cart weighing 600-700 kg) is needed. However, it is difficult to afford coal with one cart costing at least 200,000 won. If you want to go into the mountains to find wood, you would have to walk for more than two hours to reach the area with wood. Winter is a very difficult season for people like us.” This is the situation in North Korea which was delivered by Free Asia Broadcasting. We pray that the Lord will protect the North Koreans from the harsh winter and that those who fear the Lord will receive His blessings.
“You who fear him, trust in the Lord— he is their help and shield. The Lord remembers us and will bless us… he will bless those who fear the Lord— small and great alike.” Psalm 115:11-13
Lord, we lift up to you North Koreans who are going through the harsh winter without being able to heat properly and need to go to the mountains far away to find wood. Please have mercy on those who have no other way but to wait for the winter to pass quickly. May they meet the Lord God who is their help and shield and receive the blessings for those who fear Him.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.