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God is greater than an epidemic!


These days when I turn to TV or the Internet, I cannot help but hear or read news covering the Corona 19 virus that has infected not only in China and Korea, but the United States and Europe. Let me share what God is doing in North Korea in the midst of this chaotic situation.

North Korean authorities claim that not a single person in North Korea has died or even been infected with the corona virus. However, on February 24 their Korean Central Broadcasting announced that there were more than 3,000 "medical lysis" in North Pyong-An province.  And on March 1, the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) news agency announced that there were more than 3,900 people under "medical monitors", including 2,420 and 1,500 respectively in Pyong-An Province and Gangwon Province. There are more than 7,000 people who are subject to official medical surveillance. It is believed that they have been quarantined due to an apparent corona virus infection.

The field worker told me that he couldn't even call his contacts in North Korea because of the corona virus infection crisis. The corona virus crisis has caused a complete blockade of the border between China and North Korea. Prayers are needed to ensure that the bible deliveries into North Korea can continue. We pray especially that the seminary delivery ministry that teaches leaders and underground churches will not be challenged so that they can remain active. In Timothy 2: 9-10 we are reminded that "Because of the gospel, I suffered to be like a sinner, but the word of God is not tied up, and therefore I will endure all things for the chosen one, and we may also bring salvation in Christ Jesus with eternal glory". 

God is greater than an epidemic

One of our North Korean workers came to China and gave her story showing how God is still present and working in North Korea. “Once, there was an epidemic in our neighborhood. Each person reluctantly had to stay indoors and out of contact with outsiders. At the same time, a distant relative was staying my house, and suddenly he fell ill. The family had to continue to stay in the house without going out. It was late in the day. While my family went to the next room I sat next to him, drew a cross over his chest, and continued to pray to God. I prayed continuously through the night until sunrise. After that long night, this relative who was had been feverish all night long woke up and gave a sigh of relief. All of his symptoms, including headache, had disappeared. "These signs will follow for believers... It would be better to put his hand on the sick" (Mark 16:17-18) really was to experience the living Bible.

The account above witnessing God’s saving grace was from our fellow worker Deborah who previously suffered so much while she was in a Chinese prison about to be forcibly repatriated to North Korea. When she returned to North Korea, she saw that many people living in North Korea are sick. There are no medicines available for them, and it is difficult to go to the hospital for medical treatment. She experienced God's grace when she lay her hands on the very visibly sick, or drew a cross on their diseased bodies. She experienced God at work through her.

That’s who God is.

In His service, 

Isaac and Peter


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